As siblings, we have always been captivated by the world of film and cinema. From adrenaline-pumping blockbusters and heroic sagas to heartfelt romantic comedies and intense thrillers, we immersed ourselves in it all. However, as we grew older, the veil was lifted, and we began to witness the darkness lurking beneath the surface of the entertainment industry—an awakening that would change everything.
We learned of the perverse realities behind the scenes of some of Hollywood's most famous films, and we found ourselves fast-forwarding through scenes, horrified by the evil woven into the content. The industry's relentless push to impose agendas—forcing ideologies down our throats—was evident. It was painful and discouraging to realize that the very thing we once loved had been hijacked, twisted, and distorted by the sinister forces shaping our modern society. What was once a space of creative storytelling had become a breeding ground for perversion and evil, all aimed at manipulating our minds and poisoning our hearts with demonic ideologies and toxic seeds.
For a time, we were at a loss—how could we reconcile our passion for film with the overwhelming need to protect our hearts and minds from the toxicity that had overtaken the industry? It felt like the very industry we loved had turned against us. But that frustration birthed a resolve.
As time went on, the Lord began to stir something deep within us—a vision of a need this generation was not only hungry for but desperate to see fulfilled. We began to sense the void, a profound longing for truth, authenticity, and hope that was missing from the narratives being told. We had glimpses of ideas, sparks of how we might be a part of this change, but the path forward was unclear. The seed had been planted by the Lord, but it wasn’t yet our time to act.
Growing up just outside the energetic city of Chicago, we were far from the “film capital” of the world. We were lacking the infrastructure and resources of Hollywood, we were filled with passion and hunger, yet the way forward seemed shrouded in uncertainty. We held onto the dream, but with no clear direction, we chose to lay it aside– knowing that if God wanted it to happen it would come to pass.
Then, God advanced our story. He moved us from the heart of the Midwest to Southern California—the very epicenter of the entertainment industry, where film and production reign supreme. We were warned that Los Angeles was a place of overwhelming evil, a city so dark that Christians shouldn’t even attempt to step foot in the entertainment world. We were told the perversion and darkness would swallow us whole. But what we soon discovered was that we serve a God who is infinitely greater, stronger, and more powerful than any darkness or evil. After all, we were made to be in this world, but not of it, right?
The Lord quickly revealed that He is in complete control of everything. Every force of evil, every principality of darkness submits to His name. And He equipped us with that very name, the name of Jesus, as a weapon of warfare against the forces of hell. Little did we know, this was all part of our training. The Lord knew that if His children were to step into the heart of Satan’s territory, we would need His strength, His wisdom, and the power of His word to overcome. He patiently worked in us, refining our hearts, renewing our minds, and downloading His divine strategies. What we once saw as overwhelming darkness became a battleground for God’s glory. We were being prepared, not just for the industry, but for something far greater than we could ever imagine.
Living in Southern California and working in LA confirmed the warnings we had heard—LA was a city steeped in darkness, openly aligning with the missions and schemes of the enemy. The evil was not hidden; it was in-your-face, and undeniable. When we first arrived, we didn’t fully understand the extent of our authority in Christ. The overwhelming presence of evil left us rattled, unsure, and frankly, intimidated. We stepped away from the idea of ever taking ground in the entertainment industry, feeling it was too much to bear. But now, looking back, we see that the Lord had to allow that dream to rest for a season. He needed us to quiet our minds, surrender our own plans, and fully focus on Him—on His voice, His purpose, His timing.
During that season, God led us through years of deep, intimate personal training. He taught us who we truly are in Christ, revealing to us the unimaginable power we carry through His Holy Spirit. As we immersed ourselves in full-time ministry, we began to witness God move in ways we had never dreamed possible. Miracles unfolded, doors opened, and we were changed from the inside out.
And then one day, as the Holy Spirit spoke directly to our hearts, we heard the simple yet life-altering message: "It’s time."
The time to step into our calling. The time to reclaim what had been lost. The time to bring the light of Christ into the darkest of places.
He began to unveil to us the very realm He was calling us into, showing us what He had specifically purposed for our lives. Everything we had once cherished, all the passions and dreams we thought were lost, were suddenly coming full circle. The needs we had witnessed firsthand were transforming into the very foundation upon which He was building this ministry—and yes, this is a ministry. This is the message of Jesus Christ reaching people, everywhere.
This is storytelling at its most powerful, brought to life through cinematic experiences that move hearts and ignite change. We are reminded that Jesus Himself taught in parables, and the Bible is filled with stories and truths that draw us closer to the heart of God. What we once thought was merely an industry has now become a vessel for the Lord’s transformative power. We are humbled and overjoyed to know that the very platform we once loved and feared is now being used by God to share His truth. To partner with the King of Kings in this endeavor is both a privilege and an honor beyond words.
We have come to understand more profoundly than ever that entertainment is one of the most influential forces in shaping our culture. What we consume deeply impacts who we become. If we feed ourselves with evil, we will inevitably produce evil. But if we consume the word of God, if we immerse ourselves in His truth, we will produce that which is pure, righteous, and life-giving.
At Elkanna Productions, we did not receive the vision to be just another Christian production company. No, the Lord has called us to something far greater—a movement that disrupts the status quo. Over the past several years, He has revealed powerful stories and ideas, stories rooted in the gospel of freedom, truth, power, love, and the undeniable authority we have in Christ. These are not just tales; these are divine messages designed to inspire, challenge, and transform the world. They are stories that boldly point to Jesus Christ and showcase the transformative, world-shaking power of His blood.
This is not merely about creating content; this is about changing lives and rewriting the narrative of our culture with the power of the gospel.
To conquer this territory, we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it would only be possible by the power of the Holy Spirit. We desperately needed His divine outpouring to lead, guide, and direct every step we took. This mission is too great for us to accomplish in our own strength. We have drenched every aspect of this company in prayer, knowing that without Him, we can do nothing. We needed His boldness to stand firm in the face of opposition, His wisdom to navigate the unknown, His strength to persevere through challenges, and His power to break strongholds and shift culture. Above all, we needed the fire of God to ignite us, to fuel our passion, and to propel us forward.
And so, the name was born: Elkanna Productions—El Kanna, All-Consuming Fire. A name that reflects the burning passion of the Holy Spirit at the center of everything we do. A name that reminds us daily that we are not alone, and that it is through His fire that we will boldly take ground for His Kingdom.
We are in awe of how far the Lord has already brought Elkanna Productions, and it is truly humbling to realize that He is just getting started. Every step we’ve taken has been guided by His hand, and we are fully committed to submitting every aspect of this company to Him. Our mission is to be led by the Holy Spirit in all things, trusting in His direction, His wisdom, and His timing. This is the heart and foundation of Elkanna Productions.
We know without a doubt that this company is not about us—it is all about our Savior, Jesus Christ. We exist to honor Him, to magnify His name, and to fulfill His purpose in the world. We are grateful beyond measure that He is on our side, and in Him, we stand victorious. Through His strength, we will continue to move forward, knowing that with Christ, all things are possible.
We are excited to bring these stories and visions to life, and we can’t wait for you to be a part of this journey with us. Believers in Christ are breaking into the entertainment industry, proving that healthy, safe, entertaining, and thought-provoking films with an anti-woke agenda are what God’s people need and deserve.
We proudly carry the motto of Dr. Jerry Falwell Sr., founder of Liberty University, our alma mater: "We need champions for Christ everywhere, in every field."
And so, we simply said, “Here we are, Lord. Send us.”
Starting this mission together as siblings has been one of the greatest joys of our lives. It is an honor to walk this path with each other, fueled by the passion God has placed in our hearts. With the unwavering support of our team, our family, and our friends, we are more certain than ever that the time is now. The time for transformation, for redemption, and for revolutionizing the entertainment industry is here. We are ready to boldly step forward, knowing that the Lord has equipped us for this moment, and the world is waiting for the change He is about to bring.
Hebrews 12:28-29 ESV: “Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.”
Welcome to Elkanna Productions.